Another update on our Women's Exhibition and Craft Sale. For more information visit the Swindon Suffragette facebook page.
We discovered our third seller when she drew Swindon Suffragette Edith New and we loved her work so much we’ve invited her to share more. As ‘Illustrated Women in History’ she will be selling prints and printed zines and told us the following about her work.
Illustrated Women in History began after the news broke about the Jack the Ripper museum in London which was due to open. The museum had been granted permission to open on the basis that it was to celebrate women in history, and to have changed this to celebrate someone who brutally murdered women instead was outrageous. I realised how little I know about women in history, and how we are not taught much more than the history of wealthy white men in school. I am attempting to illustrate one woman a week to learn more about women in history, celebrate their accomplishments and hopefully educate others in the process.
You can find out more by searching facebook, instagram or visiting the website: