In 1966 the local authority purchased the railway village cottages from British Rail. The properties were in a state of disrepair and in a flashback to Victorian times were found to be insanitary and not up to modern expectations. Most of the cottages lacked indoor toilets and bathrooms and the rear extensions were dilapidated and infested with vermin.
For some considerable time the fate of the cottages hung in the balance while residents led a crusade to save these historic properties. Eventually Thamesdown Council began a long running refurbishment programme, completed in the 1980s.
Today the stone built former railway workers homes are central to the town's Railway Village Conservation Area designated in 1975. The 300 Grade II listed cottages constitute an almost complete planned railway settlement of the 1840s and 50s.
In 2016 the Railway Cottage Museum was transferred from Swindon Borough Council to the Mechanics' Institution Trust and it is now open on selected weekends throughout the year. This Saturday, April 6, marks the first opening of the cottage this season.
The cottage was the long time home of John Hall, his wife Jane and their family of five children who lived there from about 1855 until Jane's death in 1886.
Poor John met an horrific end as the following report in the Swindon Advertiser details.
A shocking accident occurred on Tuesday morning, at Swindon station, to Mr John Hall, an engine driver for many years in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company, from the effects of which he died in about 12 hours at the Accident Hospital, at New Swindon, to which excellent institution he was immediately removed.
An inquest was held on the body on Wednesday morning by Mr. Coroner Whitmarsh, at Allnatt's. Mr Clements was foreman of the jury. The following evidence will explain the nature of the accident:-
James Hall, son of deceased, said::- My father was 65 years of age last August. On Tuesday morning, about 25 minutes after two, I was at the station with him as his stoker to pilot the up mails out. We were there in case of the other engine breaking down. There were four coaches in front of our engine, which we were going to push on to the mails. Whilst waiting, the gauge lamp went out, and my father went to the front of the engine to light it by the other lamp. As he was returning along the side of the engine the signalman signalled us to come on, and I blew the whistle and started just as my father had another step to take to get back, and, in fact, has his hand on the weather board. He was walking along the side of the engine. As he was about to step on the foot place his foot slipped and he fell, his right leg going between the outside connecting rod and the wheel. I had only moved about a yard. The rod brought him up again against the splasher, causing his leg to be jammed and the flesh torn off. The first I knew of his position was my father calling out, "Stop Jim," and I stopped immediately. I got down and found he was fixed inside the rod, and he was terribly torn about. It took a considerable time to get him out. He was taken to the hospital at once. Dr. Swinhoe said he was called at about quarter to three, and attended John Hall at the Hospital, where he had just been admitted. He had received a severe lacerated wound on the right side of his body, cutting off nearly the whole of the right buttock, which was hanging down. It was an enormous wound. He died from the shock about four o'clock the same day.
The injuries were sufficient to kill anyone, the flesh being taken off to the bone. The jury at once returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added expressions of sympathy with the bereaved family of deceased. It is said that the time of his death he was the oldest engine driver in the world, having commenced fifty-one years ago this month as a fireman on one of the old fashioned - George Stephenson - engines then running on the Hetton Mineral Railway, Durham. After about two years' steady work he was promoted to the position of driver, and in 1832, at the age of twenty-two removed to the Wishaw and Coltness Railway in Scotland.
During the period he was employed by this company - some thirteen years - he married; and five years after - in 1845 - came to Swindon, where he has resided ever since in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company.
During his long career as fireman and driver deceased had been peculiarly fortunate. The various engines of which he had charge from time to time never had a broken crank axle - though this is regarded as a common, but serious accident; and, although he had several "break downs," he always managed, with one solitary exception, to work his engine and train to their destination - and this was when he had to leave the engine which he was driving at Bath, in consequence of a "stud" being blown out at the bottom of the fire-box.
Strange though it may appear, deceased never had a passenger killed behind him, having always been a most steady and cautious man.
The funeral of the deceased took place yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, in St Mark's churchyard, New Swindon, and proved to be of a very imposing character, there being present, in addition to a large number of inhabitants, many engine drivers and stokers from various parts of the Great Western Railway. We understand that free passes were issued to all such drivers and stokers as desired to attend the funeral, and in this way over ninety of deceased's fellow workmen were enabled to attend his funeral to pay their last respects to his memory.
Notwithstanding, that the weather was most unfavourable, there being a continuous rainfall, with occasional gusts of wind, between three and four o'clock a large number of person being an to assemble around the residence of the deceased in Faringdon-street and the neighbourhood, and when the corpse was brought out of the house, in consequence of the crowd, some little difficulty was experienced in marshalling the procession.
After some little delay and in a pelting storm of rain, the procession moved on headed by the Rev. G. Campbell and Dr. Swinhoe, and followed by two hundred mourners, relatives and friends, most of whom were dressed in mourning, and most of them wearing hat bands.
From the house the route was in front of the Wesleyan chapel, up by the market-place, and passing in front of the Mechanics' Institute, along Bristol Street to the churchyard. In addition to those who followed in the procession there were several hundred persons who lined the sides of the road the whole distance. The church also, during the performance of the religious ceremony, which was conducted by the Rev. G. Campbell, was crowded in every part, many persons standing throughout the service.
It is in fact long since we have noticed so thorough an interest in a funeral as there was in this, although the inhabitants of New Swindon are remarkable for the readiness with which on such occasions they come out and show their respect for their deceased friends and fellow workman.
The Swindon Advertiser, Monday, March 6, 1876.
Jane outlived her husband by ten years. When she died in January 1886 the churchyard at St Mark's was closed to new burials and so she was interred in Radnor Street Cemetery.
For some considerable time the fate of the cottages hung in the balance while residents led a crusade to save these historic properties. Eventually Thamesdown Council began a long running refurbishment programme, completed in the 1980s.
Today the stone built former railway workers homes are central to the town's Railway Village Conservation Area designated in 1975. The 300 Grade II listed cottages constitute an almost complete planned railway settlement of the 1840s and 50s.
In 2016 the Railway Cottage Museum was transferred from Swindon Borough Council to the Mechanics' Institution Trust and it is now open on selected weekends throughout the year. This Saturday, April 6, marks the first opening of the cottage this season.
The cottage was the long time home of John Hall, his wife Jane and their family of five children who lived there from about 1855 until Jane's death in 1886.
Poor John met an horrific end as the following report in the Swindon Advertiser details.
Fatal Accident to an Engine Driver at Swindon Station
A shocking accident occurred on Tuesday morning, at Swindon station, to Mr John Hall, an engine driver for many years in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company, from the effects of which he died in about 12 hours at the Accident Hospital, at New Swindon, to which excellent institution he was immediately removed.
An inquest was held on the body on Wednesday morning by Mr. Coroner Whitmarsh, at Allnatt's. Mr Clements was foreman of the jury. The following evidence will explain the nature of the accident:-
James Hall, son of deceased, said::- My father was 65 years of age last August. On Tuesday morning, about 25 minutes after two, I was at the station with him as his stoker to pilot the up mails out. We were there in case of the other engine breaking down. There were four coaches in front of our engine, which we were going to push on to the mails. Whilst waiting, the gauge lamp went out, and my father went to the front of the engine to light it by the other lamp. As he was returning along the side of the engine the signalman signalled us to come on, and I blew the whistle and started just as my father had another step to take to get back, and, in fact, has his hand on the weather board. He was walking along the side of the engine. As he was about to step on the foot place his foot slipped and he fell, his right leg going between the outside connecting rod and the wheel. I had only moved about a yard. The rod brought him up again against the splasher, causing his leg to be jammed and the flesh torn off. The first I knew of his position was my father calling out, "Stop Jim," and I stopped immediately. I got down and found he was fixed inside the rod, and he was terribly torn about. It took a considerable time to get him out. He was taken to the hospital at once. Dr. Swinhoe said he was called at about quarter to three, and attended John Hall at the Hospital, where he had just been admitted. He had received a severe lacerated wound on the right side of his body, cutting off nearly the whole of the right buttock, which was hanging down. It was an enormous wound. He died from the shock about four o'clock the same day.
The injuries were sufficient to kill anyone, the flesh being taken off to the bone. The jury at once returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added expressions of sympathy with the bereaved family of deceased. It is said that the time of his death he was the oldest engine driver in the world, having commenced fifty-one years ago this month as a fireman on one of the old fashioned - George Stephenson - engines then running on the Hetton Mineral Railway, Durham. After about two years' steady work he was promoted to the position of driver, and in 1832, at the age of twenty-two removed to the Wishaw and Coltness Railway in Scotland.
During the period he was employed by this company - some thirteen years - he married; and five years after - in 1845 - came to Swindon, where he has resided ever since in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company.
During his long career as fireman and driver deceased had been peculiarly fortunate. The various engines of which he had charge from time to time never had a broken crank axle - though this is regarded as a common, but serious accident; and, although he had several "break downs," he always managed, with one solitary exception, to work his engine and train to their destination - and this was when he had to leave the engine which he was driving at Bath, in consequence of a "stud" being blown out at the bottom of the fire-box.
Strange though it may appear, deceased never had a passenger killed behind him, having always been a most steady and cautious man.
The funeral of the deceased took place yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, in St Mark's churchyard, New Swindon, and proved to be of a very imposing character, there being present, in addition to a large number of inhabitants, many engine drivers and stokers from various parts of the Great Western Railway. We understand that free passes were issued to all such drivers and stokers as desired to attend the funeral, and in this way over ninety of deceased's fellow workmen were enabled to attend his funeral to pay their last respects to his memory.
Notwithstanding, that the weather was most unfavourable, there being a continuous rainfall, with occasional gusts of wind, between three and four o'clock a large number of person being an to assemble around the residence of the deceased in Faringdon-street and the neighbourhood, and when the corpse was brought out of the house, in consequence of the crowd, some little difficulty was experienced in marshalling the procession.
After some little delay and in a pelting storm of rain, the procession moved on headed by the Rev. G. Campbell and Dr. Swinhoe, and followed by two hundred mourners, relatives and friends, most of whom were dressed in mourning, and most of them wearing hat bands.
From the house the route was in front of the Wesleyan chapel, up by the market-place, and passing in front of the Mechanics' Institute, along Bristol Street to the churchyard. In addition to those who followed in the procession there were several hundred persons who lined the sides of the road the whole distance. The church also, during the performance of the religious ceremony, which was conducted by the Rev. G. Campbell, was crowded in every part, many persons standing throughout the service.
It is in fact long since we have noticed so thorough an interest in a funeral as there was in this, although the inhabitants of New Swindon are remarkable for the readiness with which on such occasions they come out and show their respect for their deceased friends and fellow workman.
The Swindon Advertiser, Monday, March 6, 1876.
Jane outlived her husband by ten years. When she died in January 1886 the churchyard at St Mark's was closed to new burials and so she was interred in Radnor Street Cemetery.